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The following tests are functional labs and cutting-edge evaluations that, for now, are not currently performed in Hawaii.  However, in all of these cases, samples may be collected here (blood, urine, stool, and/or saliva) and sent to the mainland laboratory.  Please note:  the cost of these tests (paid to the lab) varies depending on insurance coverage and are often not covered by insurance.

blood sample

Nutreval FMV by Genova Diagnostics

Our modern unhealthy lifestyles often lead to nutrient imbalances, which play a significant role in a number of illnesses from cardiovascular disease to cancer to chronic fatigue.  This blood and urine test checks for levels of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and the top heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium) and allows for more targeted nutrition and supplementation strategies to promote wellness.  Anybody who takes vitamins/supplements regularly or who wants to know their personal nutrition status should consider doing this test.

blood sample

Saliva hormone profile by ZRT

Hormone imbalances, especially the adrenal (stress) hormones affect a number of illnesses including thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic fatigue, and menopause/andropause.  This saliva test evaluates hormones produced by the adrenals and testes/ovaries.

Sample Report: https://www.zrtlab.com/media/1661/saliva-profile-iii.pdf

blood sample

GI Effects by Genova Diagnostics

Gut imbalances may be the underlying cause of both gastrointestinal diseases (acid reflux, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea) AND diseases in other organ systems (diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, depression, and anxiety).  Besides structural gut tests like ultrasounds & CT scans, colonoscopy & upper endoscopy, it may be important to perform functional gut tests like the GI effects comprehensive stool analysis.  An adage in holistic medicine traditions is that “disease starts in the gut” and also that “when in doubt, start with the gut”:  functional gut testing is part of the root cause analysis of one’s illnesses.

Sample Report: https://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/gi-effects-2200-sample-report.pdf

blood sample

Boston Heart Diagnostics testing

Cardiovascular disease (esp. heart attack and stroke) remain the top causes of mortality in our society.  While most people know that obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar (pre-diabetes and diabetes) can lead to cardiovascular disease, it is not commonly known that there are other significant risk factors as well such as MPO, LDL-P, LDL particle size, and omega index.  Many of these markers cannot be tested in Hawaii, but can be tested by specialized labs like Boston Heart Diagnostics.  Anybody with known cardiovascular disease or risk factors for it should strongly consider doing this blood test.

Sample Report: https://bostonheartdiagnostics.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/02190617-JANE-Full-Sample-Dx4-6.2.2017secure.pdf

blood sample


In the modern world, we are exposed to toxins on a regular basis. It’s not a matter of “if” but rather which toxins and how much exposure (how often, for how long)?  Toxins can be ubiquitous:  in personal care products, household products, commercial products, the environment (air, water, soil), and even in our food supply.  Some examples include: cosmetics, air freshener, cleaning liquids, pesticides, herbicides, air pollution and many, many more. Excess toxins in the body can lead to all kinds of health issues from chronic fatigue to weight gain, heart disease to arthritis, brain degeneration to cancer. What’s more, toxins accumulated in the body can be either recent or from the remote past, like childhood. The GPL-TOX/glyphosate tests measure a panel of known chemicals that can have a negative effect on our health.

Sample Report:  https://mosaicdx.com/resource/gpl-tox-profile-urine-sample-test/

blood sample


Food allergies & sensitivities can be obvious, such as those that cause sneezing, flushing, itchiness, hives, and wheezing. But they can also be hidden. For example, did you know that fatigue, malaise, body aches, and brain fog can all be symptoms of food allergy/sensitivity? This is especially true if the reaction is delayed. In these cases it can be hard to identify (and therefore address) food reactions. Though food sensitivity testing is still an emerging field and tests can be tricky to interpret, there are good tests on the market for this issue.  In our practice we utilize the P88 Dietary Antigen test, which examines IgE/IgG/IgG4/C3d reactions to 88 of the most common foods in our diet. 

Sample Report: https://precisionpointdiagnostics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P88DATSample-Report-81623.pdf

blood sample


Increased intestinal permeability a.k.a. “IP” or “leaky gut” is a contributing factor to myriad conditions from gastrointestinal (abdominal pain, IBS) to non-GI conditions like diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis), obesity, fatty liver, and chronic fatigue.  As mentioned above, an adage in holistic medicine traditions is that “disease starts in the gut” and also that “when in doubt, start with the gut”.  Therefore, IP testing is part of the root cause analysis of one’s illnesses.

Sample Report: https://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/Intestinal-Permeability-Sample-Report.pdf

blood sample


SIBO occurs when bacteria from the colon find their way into the small intestine – where they don’t belong – and subsequently cause problems. SIBO is an often overlooked cause of gastrointestinal discomfort, causing symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, burping, and diarrhea; it may be the underlying cause of some patients’ irritable bowel syndrome.  As mentioned above, an adage in holistic medicine traditions is that “disease starts in the gut” and also that “when in doubt, start with the gut”.  Therefore, IP testing is part of the root cause analysis of one’s illnesses.

Sample Report: https://www.gdx.net/files/clinicians/laboratory-notices/sibo-sample-sample-09-17-5.pdf


While we carry the above test kits in our office, we may also order them to be sent to you directly from our trusted partner, Rupa Health, which works directly with the above mainland labs to (1) deliver the test kit to you, (2) give instructions and support in how to do the test at home, and (3) send the test back to the mainland lab along with proper payment.  They also provide troubleshooting support as it relates to any & all aspects of the test.

Rupa Health

While we carry the above test kits in our office, we may also order them to be sent to you directly from our trusted partner, Rupa Health, which works directly with the above mainland labs to (1) deliver the test kit to you, (2) give instructions and support in how to do the test at home, and (3) send the test back to the mainland lab along with proper payment.  They also provide troubleshooting support as it relates to any & all aspects of the test.
